Question: Why Free? There has to be a catch!
Answer: Simple. Companies want your business and they want you as a future customer to their product.
Question: It takes forever to fill out so many forms for freebies and contests
Answer: Roboform is an automatic form filler (which is free as well) that will make everything much easier.
Question: Why not Canada? (or any other country for that matter)
Answer: “Because of the perceived deceptive nature of sweepstakes, they are heavily regulated. The US, Canada, and individual US states all have laws covering sweepstakes, resulting in special rules depending on where the entrant lives. Notably, Canada and several European countries require entrants to solve a mathematical puzzle, making it a contest of skill, in order to overcome requirements that would classify sweepstakes as a form of gambling.”
Unfortunately, freebies and samples fall under the same category.
The above paragraph was taken from this page.
Question: I filled out for many freebies and have never gotten anything.
Answer: Make sure you fill out all of them fields correctly.
Some companies also send out a very limited number of samples (sometimes they don't list this on their signup page).
And finally, some are just pure fraud. They just want to collect your info so they can resell it to spammers. This is one reason why I will never post a freebie that is listed on a free webhost like geocities.
Question: Why the popups on your site?
Answer: One is a simple contest. The other one you might see is for push notifications (time sensitive freebies/contests)
Question: I would like to get your newsletter, but am afraid of getting tons of spam.
Answer: Get a free email account at either hotmail or yahoo. You can then use it for all of the freebie forms you fill out & not have to worry about your REAL email account.
Question: What do you do with my email address?
Answer: Absolutely nothing. It is stored in a database that gets accessed only by ME. I send the Just Free Stuff newsletter to you and thats it.
Question: Do you allow advertising on your site?
Answer: No.
Question: Why am I not getting my newsletter? I signed up 3 times already!
Answer: We use a “double confirmation” system. Meaning, you sign up for the newsletter, then you get a confirmation email from our newsletter service, then you must click on the link in the email in order to be added.
If you are still having problems, just email me.
Question: How do I change my email address or unsubscribe from your newsletter?
Answer: Every newsletter I send has an “update your profile” and an “unsubscribe” link on the very bottom. (and YES, they do work the way they are meant to). Or, you can simply email me at james@justfreestuff.com and i'll make sure you are removed.
Question: I have a question that you didnt answer here!
Answer: Ok, so email me!