Possible Free Christmas Tree For Those In Need
To request a tree, click the “Request a Tree” button and answer the questions on the request form. Please use this form rather than email or call in tree requests.
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Free Personalized Phone Call From Santa
Downloadable App
Personalized Santa calls for YOUR child!
Choose the date/time of the call!
Unique Santa messages to choose from!
Your child's photo will appear on the call screen!
Mentions your child's age, state/country, and more!
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Possible Free Christmas Tree For Those In Need
This is from The Christmas Tree Project. You'll need to fill out a request form.
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Call The Christmas Story Hotline
Start a family tradition by bringing loved ones together around the fire, listening to beautiful Christmas stories that will warm your heart FreeConference.com’s Christmas Story Hotline is free to call.
US: 712-832-8555
Canada: 867-292-5957
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Free Elf Yourself Personalized Video
This is from Office Depot/Office Max. Just upload a photo to get started (you can create up to 5 elves)
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Free Printable Personalized Letter From Santa
Choose 1 of 8 different designs and 1 of 5 different letter templates.
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A Mother’s Complete Guide to Halloween Safety
This is a must read! Especially if you have kids.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, child pedestrian accidents increase by 4x on Halloween. Our guide offers a ton of tips to prevent these accidents along with many other safety suggestions for young trick or treaters.
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Free Response Letter From Santa Claus
Did you know, since 1914, children have had the joy of receiving letters from Santa Claus for free? It’s true and the tradition is continuing! To receive a written letter from Santa Claus, just send a letter with a legible return address, mailed to:
Santa Claus
PO Box 1
Santa Claus, IN 47579
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Norad Santa
Play some reindeer games and you get to track the Santa himself!